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Cleaning products

Cleaning products
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Isepuhastuvate kombiahjude spetsiaalne leeliseline puhastusvahend automaatseks doseerimiseks.
Sobib kasutamiseks ka muudele automaatse pesusüsteemiga ahjude puhastamiseks.
Sobib kasutamiseks ka käsipesuks.
Mitte kasutada lahjendamata kujul.
Ainult professionaalseks kasutamiseks.
Eemaldab kinnipõlenud, kõrbenud rasva ja teiste toidujäätmete jäägid.
Tugevalt leeliseline pindaktiivsete ainete kompleks.

SKU: G6_1 ,   Qty: 10 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
5,00 €

Suurköökide ahjude, grillide, pliidiplaatide, suituahjude, kombiahjude ja toostevabast terasest pindade puhastamine.
Raskesti määrdunud pannide / vormide puhastamine.
Ei sobi alumiiniumist, kergmetallist, värvitud, lakitud ja aluselist vahendit mittetaluvate pindade puhastamiseks.
Eemaldab kinnipõlenud, kõrbenud rasva ja teiste toidujäätmete jäägid.

SKU: GRILLX ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
5,00 €

Suurköökide gaasi-ja elektripliitide, grillahjude, suitusahjude ja praeahjude puhastamine.
Raskesti määrdunud pannide / vormide puhastamine.
Ei sobi lahjendamata kujul kergmetalliliste ja värvitud pindadele.
Eemaldab kinnipõlenud, kõrbenud rasva ja teiste toidujäätmete jäägid.
Tugevalt leeliseline pindaktiivsete ainete kompleks.

SKU: TP3105 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
13,50 €

Toiduainetega kokkupuutuvate pindade, mahutite, torustike puhastamine.
Laudade, seinte, põrandate jms puhastamine.
Ringpesu süsteemid.
Küpsetus- ja leivavormide puhastus.
Madalavahuline tugevalt leeliseline valgu -ja rasvainete eemaldaja.
Lahustab tõhusalt nii loomseid kui ka taimseid rasvu sh. kõrbenud toidujääkide.
Ei sobi kasutamiseks tsingitud ja alumiinium pindadele.
Tugevalt leeliseline.
Vähese vahuga.

SKU: TP3032 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
13,45 €

Sobib kõikidele veekindlatele pindadele.
Värvitud, lakitud, vahatatud pinnad: puit-,plast- ja klaaspinnad.
Üldpuhastusvahend haiglates, koolides, lasteaedades ja kodus (aknad,laed,seinad,põrandad,peeglid).
Kaasaegne üldpuhastusvahend, mis on kasutatav põrandast laeni.
Tänu antistaatilisele omadustele eemaldab mustuse paremini ega lase sel uuesti pestavale pinnale kinnituda.
Sobib kõigile vett taluvatele pindadele.
Antistaatiline efekt.

SKU: TP3008 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
10,40 €

Igat liiki klaas / peegelpindade ja muude vett taluvate pindade puhastamine.
Eemaldab efektiivselt mustuse jätmata klaaspindadele „vikerkaarevärvilist kilet” ega muid jälgi.
Kuivab kiiresti.

SKU: TP3034 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
2,05 €

Igat liiki klaas / peegelpindade ja muude vett taluvate pindade puhastamine.
Eemaldab efektiivselt mustuse jätmata klaaspindadele „vikerkaarevärvilist kilet” ega muid jälgi.
Kuivab kiiresti.

SKU: TP3036 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
8,45 €
SKU: TPDESXHG250 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
3,15 €
SKU: TPDESXHG5 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
25,20 €

Mõõtmed: 50x70cm.
Värv: hall.

SKU: DEW430 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
6,85 €

Mõõtmed: 40x50cm.
Värv: sinine.
Koostis: 70 % polüester 30 % polüamiid.

Mikrokiudlapp kõikide siledate pindade puhastamiseks: peeglid, klaas, marmor, alumiinium, roostevaba teras jne.
Ebeme- ning õmblustevaba.

SKU: COR6155 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
2,95 €

Lehti pakis: 200.
Kihte: 2.
Lehe mõõdud: 20,6 x 24,0 cm.
Värv: valge.
Lisainfo: 100% tselluloos.

SKU: V2200S ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
1,90 €
SKU: RAN1507M ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
6,20 €
SKU: RAN1507L ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
6,20 €

Kihte: 1.
Lehti pakis: 50.
Lehe mõõdud: 30 x 38 cm.
Värv: valge.
Lisainfo: 100% ebemevaba.

SKU: BEW9032 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
7,25 €

Rullis 160m.
Laius: 20 cm.
Kihte: 2.
Lehti rullis: 486.
Lehe mõõdud: 23 x 37 cm.
Rulli diameeter: 20,5 cm.
Värv: valge.
Pakk: 6 rulli.
Lisainfo: eemaldatav hülss, 100% tselluloos.

SKU: BEW1128 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
31,30 €

Rullis 300m.
Pakis 6 rulli.

SKU: BEW1368 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
26,10 €

Vedelseep käte ja kogu keha igapäevaseks pesemiseks.
Teeb puhtaks ka määrdunud käed!
Sisaldab nahka pehmendavaid aineid.
Neutraalne pH.
Meeldiva lõhnaga.
Pärlmutter efektiga.

SKU: TP4094 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
5,40 €

Käte, juuste ja keha igapäevane pesemine.
Õrn ja niisutav vedelseep-duššigeel.
Sobib kogu keha pesemiseks.
Sisaldab nahka kaitsvaid aineid.
Neutraalne pH – vastab keha pH-le.
Meeldiva lõhnaga.

SKU: KLK1005-5 ,   Delivery time: 1-5 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
11,50 €

Streak-free, ready-to-use, product for care and de-grease of matte (brushed) and glossy stainless steel.
Removed fingerprints and daily grease vapours.
When used daily, it brings out the depth and leaves a mirror effect.
Recommended for external structures of kitchen equipment, lift cabins, hoods.
No rinsing required.
pH 7.

USE: apply non-diluted by spraying and using a cloth, wipe with a clean cloth and polish.
For tarry and oily deposits, first clean with an oven or a multi-purpose kitchen cleaner.

SKU: 979761 ,   Qty: 429 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
8,85 € (11%)
9,90 €

A multi-purpose, concentrated cleaning and de-greasing agent to remove organic residues.
Cleans, washes, removes stains and de-greases in one operation.
May be used in food and catering industry, for both thorough and daily cleaning.
Recommended for cleaning floors, walls, elements of equipment, washing work wear as well as stain removal.
Dedicated for manual, pressure washing and scrubbing machinery.
USE: Prepare a working solution - washing, daily laundry: 10-50ml/10l of water, additional cleaning: 100-500ml/10l of water; stain removal, de-greasing 1:1 to 1:3 with water.
Apply the solution on the surface, wait a while, scrub, wipe away the dirt, rinse the surface with clean water.
In the case of hard grease removal - wash the surface with clean, hot water.

SKU: 979778 ,   Qty: 4 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
6,95 €

Ready-to-use de-greasing and stain removing cleaner for daily cleaning.
Effectively removes stubborn oily deposits of animal, plant and industrial origin.
Recommended for cleaning kitchen surfaces (walls, equipment), as well as at home, garage, garden.
Also suitable for removing stains from textiles.

SKU: 975466 ,   Qty: Out of stock ,   Delivery time: ask for an offer
6,95 €

100% natural composition.
For professional use in gastronomy and food industry.
Ideal for: fast food restaurants, gas stations, food trucks, grocery stores, bistros.
Easy and fast removal of organic and non-organic impurities, including oils.
For removing greasy stains, but not burnt stains.
Non-invasive cleaning and degreasing – without any risk of damaging or discolouring the non-stick coating on rolling grills.
Odourless, non-toxic – safe to use in small rooms.
It doesn’t contain VOC (volatile organic compounds) and hydrocarbon solvents.
Certified by NSF N8 attesting safety of use on food processing equipment.
Easy to use: just spray the surface and wipe with a cloth.
Rinse with water after use.
Allowing the stains to soak is not required – it quickly penetrates dirt.

SKU: 976814 ,   Qty: 1789 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
14,50 € (28%)
20,00 €

For removal of various contaminations accumulated in outlets, filters and spoons of coffee machines.
The product also cleans vacuum flasks, hot water urns and coffee pots.
Cleaning using the product should be repeated every 2 weeks or 250 coffee cups.
NOTE: This product does not remove scale.
Use the Extreme Descaler scale remover to remove scale.

SKU: 976647 ,   Qty: 144 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
47,50 € (18%)
57,70 €

For thorough and daily removal of mineral deposits and limescale from professional catering equipment (boilers, sterilisers, dishwashers etc.).
Recommended for all dishwasher types - hood, undercounter, module, glass and industrial dishwashers.
Contains phosphoric acid.
Eliminates streaks.
Ragrance-free, surface friendly, requires rinsing.

SKU: 975008 ,   Qty: 311 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
6,00 € (10%)
6,70 €

Descaler and delimer power to remove lime residues and other mineral deposits from kitchen equipment.
Recommended for coffee machines, kettles, containers, chafing dishes, ovens and other devices susceptible to limescale.
IF MANUAL IS NOT AVAILABLE: prepare a working solution of 20-30g/1l of water; fill the device to be cleaned, leave for approx.
20-30 minutes, empty the device and rinse thoroughly with running potable water.
For washing machines: pour 100-150g into empty machine in place of washing powder, for capacity of 6kg turn on washing cycle with rinsing for approx.
20-30 minutes at 60°C.
WARNING: DO NOT EXTEND THE DESCALING TIME, DO NOT USE FOR GALVANISED SHEETS.Chemical product - keep out of reach of children.
The product is intended for professional use.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for damages resulting from improper use.
Expiry date: 3 years from the production date.

SKU: 979754 ,   Qty: 162 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
11,40 €

For removal of scale and limestone infiltrations, as well as other mineral deposits from household appliances.
Recommended for use in coffee machines, kettles, vacuum bottles, furnaces and other devices where scale deposits form.

SKU: 976692 ,   Qty: 26 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
18,00 € (17%)
21,80 €

For removal of various contaminations accumulated in outlets, filters and spoons of coffee machines.
The product also cleans vacuum flasks, hot water urns and coffee pots.
Cleaning using the product should be repeated every 2 weeks or 250 coffee cups.
NOTE: This product does not remove scale.
Use the Extreme Descaler scale remover to remove scale.

SKU: 976654 ,   Qty: 394 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
2,65 € (17%)
3,20 €

For removal of various contaminations accumulated in outlets, filters and spoons of coffee machines.
The product also cleans vacuum flasks, hot water urns and coffee pots.
Cleaning using the product should be repeated every 2 weeks or 250 coffee cups.
NOTE: This product does not remove scale.
Use the Extreme Descaler scale remover to remove scale.

SKU: 976630 ,   Qty: 212 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
7,15 € (18%)
8,70 €

For cleaning of coffee machine interiors (grind and brew, pressure, bean to cup types).
Removes hard coffee deposits, also preferred for periodic cleaning - removes stains from china, faience, glaze and internal surfaces of vacuum bottles and heaters.

SKU: 976685 ,   Qty: 221 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
11,50 € (18%)
14,00 €

For public toilets in restaurants, hotels, schools or office buildings.
Elegant and durable housing made of AISI 304 steel.
Lock, lever and pump made of POM plastic.
Transparent ABS plastic window enables control of dispenser levels.
The key lock protects access to the liquid.
Volume: 1.2 l.
Single soap dose: 1.6 ml.
Net weight: 1.4 kg.
A wall mount set included in the kit.

SKU: 809921 ,   Qty: 9 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
126,00 € (15%)
147,60 €

Made of stainless steel.
Serrated limiter for easy tearing off a single paper towel leaf.
width of a paper towel roll: 297 mm.
Screws for wall-mounting included.

SKU: 809952 ,   Qty: Out of stock ,   Delivery time: ask for an offer ,   Height, mm: ,   Laius, mm: ,   SS worktable: ,   Sügavus, mm:
28,50 € (77%)
121,50 €

Special developed detergent for use in commercial dishwashers.
Ideal for washing kitchen and bakery equipment and utensils like: containers, trays, pans, grids, kitchen utensils and cutlery.
Effectively removes protein, fat, starch and oil residues.
Safe to use on aluminium, stainless steel, plastic and porcelain.
Effectively removes the residues of fat, protein, starch and oil.
It doesn't foam, ensuring that no detergent residues are left at the end of the cycle.
Not suitable for every type of anodized aluminium, to check the effects apply a bit of detergent to a small spot.

SKU: 699317 ,   Qty: 14 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
90,50 €

For cleaning of the milk frother in all coffee machines with foaming systems or attachments.
Removes old, crystallised proteins and fat.
Continuously purges the lines.
A bottle with a convenient dispenser.

SKU: 976661 ,   Qty: 83 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
7,65 €

For cleaning of the milk frother in all coffee machines with foaming systems or attachments.
Removes old, crystallised proteins and fat.
Continuously purges the lines.
A bottle with a convenient dispenser.

SKU: 976678 ,   Qty: 314 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
11,50 €

Strongly alkaline concentrate for periodical and daily cleaning of combi ovens.
Recommended for devices with CIP option.
Effectively removes burnt oily and tarry residues, hardened grease, as well as organic deposits and discolorations occurring while baking or cooking.
Contains corrosion inhibitors.
Rinsing required.
pH 14.

SKU: 231388 ,   Qty: 338 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
57,00 €

Highly concentrated rinse aid for dishwashers, assuring shiny tableware.
Removes minerals (calcium and iron compounds etc.) contained in water thus eliminating streaks and traces occurring on dishes.
Suitable for all commercial and industrial dishwashers.
Recommended for glass, ceramic, faience, teflon, enamel-coated, metal (silver, aluminium, steel etc.) dishes.
Safe for hand-painted dishes.
Perfect shine.
Contains organic acids.
No wiping required.
USE: feed through the dispenser, adjust the solution to water hardness, usually 25ml/10l of water.
Expiry date: 3 years from the production date.

SKU: 975015 ,   Qty: 281 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
38,00 €

Highly concentrated rinse aid for dishwashers, assuring shiny tableware.
Removes minerals (calcium and iron compounds etc.) contained in water thus eliminating streaks and traces occurring on dishes.
Suitable for all commercial and industrial dishwashers.
Recommended for glass, ceramic, faience, teflon, enamel-coated, metal (silver, aluminium, steel etc.) dishes.
Safe for hand-painted dishes.
Perfect shine.
Contains organic acids.
No wiping required.
USE: feed through the dispenser, adjust the solution to water hardness, usually 25ml/10l of water.
Expiry date: 3 years from the production date.

SKU: 975022 ,   Qty: 139 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
21,50 €

Cleaner for milk frothers in any coffee machines equipped with frothers or frothing attachments.
Removes old, crystallised protein and grease.
For daily clearing of milk tubes.
Contains phosphoric acids.
Has a descaling effect.
pH 1.
USE: Prepare a solution of 50-100ml in 1l of water, pour the solution into the milk container and start the frothing process.
Rinse the system with water at 40°C.

SKU: 231296 ,   Qty: 137 ,   Delivery time: 5-10 workdays
6,45 €

Made of stainless steel.
Serrated limiter for easy tear-off of paper sheets.
width of a paper towel roll: 430 mm.

SKU: 809914 ,   Qty: Out of stock ,   Delivery time: ask for an offer
59,50 €