Roller width 420mm
Electrical power 370w/230v
Dimensions: 1895x830(814)x860 mm.
Power: 300W /230V.
Net volume: 501L.
Dual function.
Freezing temperature range -15 to -24 °C.
Cooling function temperature range +2 to +7 °C.
Large curved glass sliding lids with strong aluminum handle.
6 strong wire baskets and coated white steel inner cover - load capacity 20kg.
LED light inside.
4 castors, 2 of which have brakes.
Digital thermometer.
Dimensions: 966x1184x714mm
Power: 1.1kW
Vertical forming to save space
Three rolling rollers
Ergonomic controls
Quick belt change
Stainless steel exterior
Dimensions: 773x833x930mm.
Power: 380W / 230V.
Net volume: 102L.
Dual-function - convertible into a refrigerator and freezer (-18 to -21 °C or -1 to 5 °C) Digital thermostat.
Dimensions: 1483x450x330mm.
Power: 160W - 230/1N/50.
Temperature: 0 to +12 °C.
Refrigerant: R600a.
Capacity: 6 x GN1/3 40mm.
Plastic and glass structure.
Refrigeration in both the lower and upper parts of the display case (GN pan compartment and display area).
Static refrigeration.
Built-in refrigeration unit.
Digital controller.
Sliding doors on the operator's side.
Openable curved front glass.
Interior LED light with ON/OFF switch.
Temp -18/-22
Dimensions: 700x880x2043mm.
Power: 522W.
Cooling: static, with fan.
Automatic defrosting.
4 removable GN 2/1 shelves.
Inner and outer casing made of stainless steel.
Self-closing, lockable door.
LED lighting inside the chamber.
Climate class: 4.
Adjustable feet (120-180 mm).
75 mm thick polyurethane foam insulation.
External dimensions: 1475 x 757 x 858mm.
Internal dimensions: 606 x 1326 x 610mm.
Power: 350W / 230V.
Net volume: 355L.
Temperature range +8 °C to -24 °C.
Large curved sliding lids with lock - made of glass.
5 strong wire baskets measuring 530 x 253 x 346mm.
Steel coated white interior.
6 strong wheels.
Interior lighting.
HENDI tin with wick, contains 100% diethylene glycol.
Burns up completely.
Soot and odour free.
Special wick provides proper burning temperature and time.
The can does not overheat, no fuel holder needed.
Equal flame temperature and height during the whole burning process.
Box 4x6 tins.
Due to the special cap, it is possible to use the same can several times, store it and transport it safely.
41,80 €
Perfect for transport of hot or cold products.
Containers offer high insulation levels.
Withstands temperatures ranging from -20°C to +110°C.
With recessed handles at the side.
66,40 €
With hardened glass display.
Fits GN 1/3 containers with a max height of 150 mm.
579,50 €
Thanks to the adjustable cord this heat lamp is very flexible, the length of the cord is adjustable from 70 to 150 cm.
The amount of heat provided can be changed by adjusting the length of the cord.
On/off switch located on top of the lamp.
The included light bulb is shatterproof, making it suitable for keeping food warm.
76,00 €
Grill surface: 220x230 mm.
1/2 ribbed and 1/2 smooth.
234,50 €
15,70 €
Otsid täiuslikku lahendust oma toitlustusettevõttele või sündmustele? Liikuv köök pakub kõike, mida vajad, et muuta oma toiduvalmistamine lihtsaks ja tõhusaks. See pole mitte ainult köök, vaid terve toitlustuskompleks, mis on varustatud kõikide mugavuste ja tipptasemel seadmetega.
- Külmkambriga haagisköök on täiuslik kombinatsioon kompaktsusest ja funktsionaalsusest. Sisemõõdud on ruumikad, võimaldades sul valmistada suurepäraseid toite igas suuruses sündmustele.
- Kaasaegsed seadmed nagu eestlaetav nõudepesumasin, gaasi kombiahi, gaasipliit, gaasifritüür ja palju muud tagavad, et su toiduvalmistamine oleks sujuv ja tulemuslik.
- Elektri ja gaasiseadmed tagavad, et saad toimetada ükskõik kus, ilma et peaksid muretsema energiaallikate piiratuse pärast.
- Haagisel on palju lisavõimalusi nagu ventilatsioon, kliimaseade, veesüsteem ja roostevaba plekiga kaetud tulekindel sein, mis tagavad su töökeskkonna ohutuse ja mugavuse.
- Ratastel köök on kergesti transporditav ning sellel on kõik vajalikud load. Kui soovid, saad haagise kiirelt ja hõlpsalt liigutada uude asukohta.
68000,00 €
Matte black coated aluminium bottle and head.
Not suitable for preparing hot sauces.
Supplied with: 3 different polypropylene nozzles and a cleaning brush.
To be used with cream whipper chargers (N₂O) (chargers not included).
49,00 €
Dimensions: 935x825x1715mm.
Power: 2.15kW / 230V
Dimensions 1170x950x2000mm.
Power 23 kW.
Holds 10 plates 450x600mm.
Dimensions: 812 x 725 x 770mm
Power: 7.25kW
Rail height difference: 70mm
Capacity: 5 x 1/1 GN - 5 x (600 x 400)
Available in 2 pieces.
Set 4800€ + VAT.
Power: 9.7kW/400V
Mõõdud 450x850x350 mm.
Elektritoide 230 V, 2500 W.