8,50 €
5,60 €
Made of stainless steel.
Muddler tip is made of polypropylene (PP).
Tube made of thick cardboard.
Boston shaker Tin-on-Tin: 2 weighted cups, with capacities 500 ml and 800 ml.
Classic jigger with capacities 50 ml and 25 ml.
Hawthorne strainer: with an ergonomic handle and a removable spring (for easy cleaning, can also be used as a “spring whisk”).
Fits perfectly to the shaker, thoroughly strains pieces of ice, fruit and herbs.
Muddler: with serrated surface for effortless mashing pieces of fruit and herbs.
Spiral bartending spoon with 27 cm length and 5 ml capacity, with a muddler (the tip is disc-shaped): for fast mixing iced drinks without diluting them, pouring sodas without fizzing and creating layered cocktails.
The disc – muddler can also be used for mashing fruit and herbs.
The set is put in a cardboard tube with and elegant artwork.
Elements of the set are not dishwasher safe.
3,20 €
Dishwasher safe.
Made of anodized aluminium.
95,40 €
Elegant buffet chafing dish.
Patented extra quiet opening mechanism.
Roll-top cover retractable 180°.
Set includes one fuel can holder and food pan (Ø 390x(H)60 mm).
Highly polished stainless steel.
Steel frame 2.3 mm, cover 1.2 mm thick.
159,20 €
It is possible to place GN1/1 trays in the chamber.
Ideal for grilling or heating up dishes or sandwiches.
With top & bottom Quartz infrared heating element.
Fitted with 15 min.
timer and indicator lamp.
3 possible grid heights, grid handles fitted with heat shield.
With crumb tray.
Conforms to the IPX3 norm.
521,50 €
4,40 €
8,50 €
Dimensions 1080x760x550mm.
Power 2.3 kW.
Temperature +10...+100.
Dimensions 500x500x700mm.
Temperature +30...+90.
Dimensions: 1250x720x1800mm.
4 warm shelves.
Temp: +30…+90.
All shelves have a different adjustable thermostat.
El.võimsus:1,5kw/230 v
Soodushinnaga müüa paar korda näitusel kasutuses olnud külmbuffee 1600mm + kuumbuffee
Komplekti hind 4650+km
Jahutatud toidu lühiajaliseks serveerimiseks temperatuuril +3°C kuni +5°C.Mehaaniline termostaat.Külmsüvend mahutab 4x (GN 1/1 150) GN-nõud.Bufeel on valgustusega ülatasapind, mis on ääristatud kirkast klaasist pritsmekaitsmega.Ruumi kokkuhoiuks või bufeega standardsetest ustest läbi mahtumiseks on võimalik abitasapinnad alla kokku klappida.Küljepaneelid on vajadusel kergesti vahetatavad.Bufeel on vastupidavad 360° kraadi pöörlevad “Manner” rattad diameetriga 100mm.
Kaks ratast on lukustatavad.Bufee allosas on kaheukseline neutraalne kapp.
Soebufee on soojade toitude lühiajaliseks serveerimiseks temperatuuril +30°C kuni +90°C.Digitaalne termostaat.Soetasapinnale mahub 3x (GN 1/1) GN-nõud.Bufeel on valgustusega ülatasapind, mis on ääristatud kirkast klaasist pritsmekaitsmega.Ruumi kokkuhoiuks või bufeega standardsetest ustest läbi mahtumiseks on võimalik abitasapinnad alla kokku klappida.Küljepaneelid on vajadusel kergesti vahetatavad.Bufeel on vastupidavad 360° kraadi pöörlevad “Manner” rattad diameetriga 100mm.
Kaks ratast on lukustatavad.Bufee allosas on kaheukseline neutraalne kapp.